Thursday, January 26, 2017

January summary what a month

The hobby was strong, 

I had feared January would be a no-hobby month, but it ended up as a good month, with output I feel proud of as I optimized the little time available

I finished all the tiles of the dungeon kickstarters - Finally!

Hospital type tiles
For the above tiles, I painted white, then used dark wash to paint some tiles and make letters and then painted white again. The result pleased me, the letters were still visible but not too much. I added blood stains to

When I received my mantic pledge, I felt the troopers to be a little small. 
cutting, gluing, ordering. Yes, seems a kickstarter's just arrived.
I took some of the fantasy warriors I have in my WIP box and I was wrong. They are of similar scale.

Comparing Mantic GCPS size compared to 28mm fantasy
What about gaming you'd say?
That's the black spot. I've started RPGing with a target of twice a month, and been busy for an internal sales kickoff that took a lot of time before and during. Now, it's gone and Chinese New Year is around the corner.
Well, gaming would be a February thing then!

Monday, January 9, 2017

First 2017 fantasy miniatures painted

Reinforcement has arrived

New Year, great painting mojo.
So I finally sat down, watching House of Cards and paint at the same time. The first victims to the paintbrush were fantasy miniatures to finish some of the teams fighting in Montiberg.

I finally finished the Blue Chief, opening rooms for him to appear. A long overdue.

Blue Chief
A priest / magic adept

And tons of henchmen.
The Raven Company

Second from the left, leader of the Raven Company, Captain Crow. Captain Crow carries a long sword and like giving orders.

 4 henchmen. (left to right) First one is a tough soldier, veteran of many campaigns. He carries a dreadful spear and a mighty armor. Next is a barbarian who enjoyed modern armor. He carries a warhammer. Further right is a skilled two-hand sword fighter. A tricky weapon to use. Finally a regular mercenary from the Raven Company.

 The Black Shield company is a company of war veterans. Well equipped and organized, depending which side you are they are dangerous foes and great allies.

That's 22x3 = 66 MARIUS :-)

Thursday, January 5, 2017

2017 planning: What is a Marius - Quantifying painted models

from Pogre, @

This year, I have decided to get stuff painted. Surely I did paint stuff last year, but I kind of lost track toward year end with excuses like: Too busy, too tired, can't find the miniatures.

I will use scientific method to quantify the amount of stuff painted, acquired or given away.

Introducing the MARIUS.

What does it mean: Multiple APO Revolutionary Interregolistic Unit for Splashing Paint

In plain English: it is a measure unit of a model.
for instance:
1 MARIUS = 1x 15mm infantry

The equivalence with other scale and model type is:
15 mm infantry: 1 MARIUS
15mm infantry: 1 MARIUS
20mm infantry: 2 MARIUS
28mm infantry: 3 MARIUS
20mm horse:    2 MARIUS
28mm horse:    3 MARIUS

Combining: 1x 28mm cavalry is:
    3+3= 6 MARIUS

28mm Vehicle: 15 MARIUS (no official MARIUS value, I have arbitrarily set the value)
20mm Vehicle: 10 MARIUS (no official MARIUS value, I have arbitrarily set the value)


APO (Self HighJacking)

In French, Auto Prise en Otage. The idea is originated from hobbyist Gregory Privat and logo from DragonTigre.
APO aims to transform hobby blog from virtual display to a self motivator with a timeline.
APO announced
Successful APO
Missed APO

How does it work.

To set an APO, I just need to announce in an article: WHAT I will paint, WHEN I start and WHEN I will finish, and success criteria (vernished, use of 3 colors+, based, ...).
APO may have milestone to show progress and estimate if APO will be successful... or not.
On the DDay, the APOlogist show the status, with photo at the starting date and photo at finish.

So my objective for 2017:
Buying no more than 50 MARIUS
Painting 300 MARIUS (or 100 28mm miniatures)