Wednesday, January 28, 2015

January: Painting update

"There is no better satisfaction than watching the paint drying", Abraham Lincoln, June 1862, at the Games Workshop Open Day.
"Seems legit.", copyright

Past 10 days have been busy finishing some miniatures, and working on my world domination plans (28mm based).
Here are some of the updates. There is German officers for Bolt Action/Reich of the Thousand Deads, Battle for Alabaster, Junker from Urban War and my Kings of War Kingdom of Man army in preparation.

German officers, group photo
German officer with a book and a MP40. Not such which one is the most dangerous in Weird World War 2
German officer with Red folder (or the Fallout Red Card you need to open doors in the military bunker...) and panzer commander
Artizan Design - German officer with MP40

 Battle for Alabaster
Zombie with sharp hands. Quite purply.
Details of the base, blood (GW blood ink)
Another monster or zombie evolution?
b...b...b... ba~con

 Junker (Urban War), as my Caesar Army for Fallout campaign
Plasma rifles and swords.

Plasma rifle, shotgun and grenades

Plasma, sword and plasma
Mace, Sword and shotgun
Sword, grenade (or Maracas?) , sword and sword
Group Photo

Kings of War in preparation:
Background : Rats (GW), middle left Celts, middle right Saxons, foreground Bretonnians
 And their boxes before that:
The guns are coming (Bolt Action) and the Shock Troops will take longer to come to life


  1. Ben dis donc tu chômes pas toi !! ^^

    Sont bien tes fridolins en 28 mm, je ne savais pas que cette échelle avait aussi des figs détaillées, j'entends de plus en plus parler de Bolt Action ces temps ci ^^

    Bravo pour la peinture en tous cas !


    1. On bosse dur ici. Honnetement depuis que j'ai arrete de peindre des figurines avec 39 cranes et 5 dagues ornementee et une masse de guerre de 200 kilo, ca va plus vite.
      Bolt Action, c'est bien, mais c'est pas assez cinematique a mon gout, trop de raccourci et ca commence a sentir la sortie du dernier codex qui est trop trop bien.

  2. Really nice work dude! I like the purple zombie things and your German officers.

    1. Purple zombie is making it more sci-fi. The German officer have a great look.

  3. Wow you have been busy! lovely work on the purple zombies and the Officers. Its nice to seem some Junkers.

    1. Yeah, it has been mass painting, and I am quite happy of the output. And we need to see more Junker. I have all Urban War armies, but only started painting the Junker for real.

  4. Very nice. I have always liked those Junker figures
