Sunday, October 5, 2014

Zomtober 2014: Milestone 1

Very small things happening in the starting of the week, game cancelled on Tuesday because of the demonstrations in Hong Kong.

So I ended doing a lot more painting than expected, and my zombie horde grew a lot bigger. Together with some Battle for Alabaster terrain.

Here are the proof that I did actually paint.

+ 19 zombies to the zombie horde.
All zombies are from Zombicide (season 1 and season 2)
Updated Zombie horde

Fatty zombies. They ate too many Mc Donalds clan's men

Zoom in

Zoom in

I love the light blue suit, very wedding-like

Battle For Alabaster

Computer on

Computer off
Cryo pods
Can't remember what it is. Space fixed line booth?
Alien modules
Rusted barricades

And finally a little feedback on Warlord resins. On the left a truck from August special sales and on the right a truck not from the sales (but from Warlord too). The left truck was in a dedicated box, the right truck in a makeshift wrap.
Surprisingly, the right truck is easy to build with no modification to make. The left truck needs small modification here and there (using hot water to bend, trimming the metal parts to fits,...). But final result is worth the pain.


  1. That is quite the horde! and it looks really impressive en-masse.

    1. Yeah, I loved to make them like a horde for the group photo. Still 50 to go and I would have achieved my goal.

  2. A goodly lot of zombies, to be sure. It'll take a great deal of Persil to clean all their clothes, though: there's blood everywhere :-) !

    1. True, a zombie is like a teenager. Can't change his cloth for month and doesn't know how to eat without spreading his food everywhere.

  3. Awesome work on the zombie front. Love the terrain as well.

    1. The terrain turned out well, and I am planning a scenario to display them. It was one of the good surprise of Battle for Alabaster kickstarter.

  4. Great work on the zombies dude!
    That's quite a few you have there.

    1. Thanks. Zombies are easy to do as long as it is table top quality. I will never win a prize with them. :) I plan to either finish the remaining 50, get more Weird World War 2 survivors done, or start the Battle For Alabaster zombies. Damn it, let's try to make them all!
