Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Taking up the Morikun Challenge - My theme

Kaiu Fugu, the crazy craftman of the Crab clan is back from retirement, after 13 years. He had been my unforgettable L5R character.

Le Temple de Morikun has awaken my inner Kaiu Fugu. The Morikun's Temple.

A place to visit and that cleverly set a googletranslate gadget to make it English friendly has launched a massive Give Away program, with more than 51 goodies, with major indy companies.

I have decided to join and use new techniques to do it.
I have also set a theme that I finally detailed it last night. I am planning the following:

Morikun, aboard his car has drove over a pair of hitchhikers  Geu and Weu (or Gil War and Will Hammer) and is about to achieve the survivor.

The hitchhikers are from the Games Workshop set of Sauron/Elendil, failcast. (got them for 10 euro at the FLGS).

There will be a Geisha, just because.

 Still not decided on the bodyguard. There are 3 versions: Sumo, Japanese henchmen or Orc Samourai (from old Confrontation)

Turbo Sumo
Standard Yakusa henchmen
Samourai Orc

Now, I will need to start painting, modding the car and make the road.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

APO - derniere semaine / APO - last week

Derniere entree pour l'APO. J'ai eu moins de temps que prevu pour tout finir et surtout le demarrage d'un nouveau boulot tres prenant.

Last entry for APO. I had less time than expected to finish due to a job change.

Last items 2 mechas and primed doors

Last items zeds, necromunda and manowar

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

SOTR - What an army look like

The SOTR kickstarter has started.

 As far as it can help people to imagine what the game may look like in terms of army.

This are old photos of my armies, who have expanded lately.
But they give a fair insight of how much it represent. For information, a standard army will be about 55RP
My armies are mix of Westwind, Artizan, Grindhouse, Warlord, Tamiya, Urban Mammoth (mecha) and can't-remember-the-brand.

Few weird war games shots.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Incursion - More details

 Following some requests on kickstarter, here are some highlights on the Incursion kickstarter, with comparison with older versions and other games.

door (I've 30 of those, splendid) Plastic on the left, metal on the right
Incursion bomberzombie detail
(left to right) SOTR zombie, plastic APE, zombicide zombie, Metal APE, plastic bomberzombie, plastic door
With slot bases, it fits well
Zombicide, sturmzombie, bomberzombie, SOTR zombie

APO Semaine 7 - Apres la pluie vient la peinture / After the rain, the paint.

I went to Korea....
Bilingual post.

Au sommaire: Mode Je-me-plains, quelques WIP et un whisky Taiwanais.
Today's headlines: Rant, some WIP and Taiwanese whisky.

MODE Je-me-plains. La semaine fut terrible, avec voyage d'affaire en Corée du Sud juste au moment ou l'epidemie de MERS commencait a faire peur aux gens (et ma femme a réfléchi a me mettre en quarantaine pendant 14j, au cas ou). Ce truc fout les boules quand on pense a ce qui pourrait se passer en cas d'apocalypse zombie. Il y a eu comme histoires (réelles en plus bordel de merde!) de dingue: Un mec en quarantaine a decidé de voyager parce qu'il pensait qu'il allait bien sans rien dire au medecin, parce qu'il se dit que, "Pif, pouf, je vais bien, c'est une conspiration judeo-maconnique et j'ai envie de decouvrir le monde la maintenant, et que je peux pas perdre 2 semaines", fait Corée - Hong Kong - Canton, et une fois a Canton, les médecins chinois se sont apercu qu'il etait infecté et avait infecté pas mal de gens. Résultat: plusieurs centaines de gens en quarantaines. Ensuite, en Coree, ils promenent les patients d'hosto en hosto, et donc, diffusent le virus. On en est a la troisieme génération (porteur 0 coreen transmet a une personne qui transmet a une autre personne qui n'a jamais vu le patient 0). Mais bon, l'OMS dit de ne pas paniquer et qu'il faut voyager en Corée normalement parce que l'economie c'est mieux. Et finalement, cerise sur le gateau, un médecin qui s'occupait de patients infectes a decider de faire une petite sortie ALORS qu'il commencait a avoir les symptomes. Ce gros con a réussi a etre en contact avec plus de 1000 personnes. Bien sur ce gros con de docteur a été testé positif.

RANT: Light update with a lot of WIP. The week was very bad, with business trip to South Korea at the time of the MERS outbreak (my wife has been thinking about quaranting me, can't blame her). This made me think about what would happen during a zombie apocalypse. Listen to some of the scariest stories ever (and true, WTF): A quarantined guy decided to make a short trip because he believed he was ok, going to HK and South China before being stopped. In China, they tested the guy positive (!) and few hundred people have been quarantined. Then, in Korea, they move patients from hospitals to hospitals for treatment, spreading the virus. We are at the 3rd generation, where people have been infected by people in contact to the first Korean patient. But WHO said it was all fine to travel to Korea, because economy is more important. And finally, a doctor, who treated MERS patients and started to show flu symptoms decided to go to social event. This asshole has been in direct contact with more than a 1000 people. He tested positive to MERS.
Tout va bien, bonnes gens. It's all right, folks.

Dans les trucs plus sympa, une partie du voyage a inclus un saut a Taiwan, donc achat du Whisky Taiwanais qui a gagne le titre de meilleur whisky du monde 2015 ( et il est vraiment tres bon),
  On the bright side of the week, the business trip had a leg to Taiwan where I bought the 2015 best whisky in the world (Taiwanese). I tried, it is really good. 
Du très bon whisky. Some very good whisky.

Du sous couchage de folie, maintenant qu'il arrete de pleuvoir comme pas possible. Deux semaines de fortes pluies et une humidité a 99-100% n'est jamais bon pour le sous-coucheur du dimanche.
I have also been priming now that it stopped raining. There was heavy rain for 2 weeks and humidity levels at 99-100%, which is never good for priming.
Last Vasa en cours. last VASA WIP

Un bon APO est un APO avec de la distraction. Des syntha sous couché.
Man o\war Imperial fleet. Wolfship, War galley, Hellhammer, Greatships

Puma en WIP. WIP Puma

Saturday, June 6, 2015

incursion received

Yep, it's a collector mail box. 146 out of 300.
Open. All inside is in good state. No broken pieces. But no extra protection. Environmental friendly
I don't have access to my boxes.
Incursion is kid friendly.
I am a drop trooper!
Plastic models. Nice and very detailed.
the books look very nice and very glossy
Can I punch these? - Not yet. - Please~

They are selecting which army they like

Incursion rulebook and asset

punch stuff

Only problem, one set of stickers was folded.

good card quality

Game summary

Santa-Gandalf playmobil for scale.