Sunday, October 4, 2020

Painting Fantasy - the Dwarfs are back

 Painting armies is tedious. Many soldiers to paint, and can be boring after a while.

Painting while watching movies ease the pain. After few years (yes years!) I finally got somewhere with my Dwarf army. And it was not easy.

The miniatures came with the first kickstarter from Mantic's Kings of War, but it took so~ long to have a proper brush love.

I had done a first batch when it arrived and they got shelved when the game store moved to a different district - No more lunch painting for me. 

During the lockdown, I used my discord RPG time to play and paint at the same time, as painting does not require so much brain power (at least for me).

First the leader, the beast cannon and the army.

For the leader I used a Space Wolf hammer and a different shield to differentiate him from the rest.

I soberly painted him, as Dwarf leaders mean business and are not out for a beauty contest.

The army included artillery, and a special metal one. It can be mounted or just set a bombard.

The army itself

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