Sunday, November 24, 2019

Kill Team - 4 people - Campaign rules

4 teams, 4 commanders.
Sent behind the enemy lines to carry mission nobody would do in their sane mind.

4 teams, 4 battles
Not every mission is created equal. Focus, feint and deception are the weapons they surely aim carefully.

4 teams, not one more soldier
Every body counts, every bullet may be the last one, every battle is one step closer to final victory.

Special Rules:
The campaign is divided in days.

Every day has 4 battles.

Each team has a starting vanilla roster of 200pts.
Players can draw whatever force they want within their 200pts and assign them to each battle.
The battle must keep the normal team construction rules (weapon limitation, ability limitation).

We will add up points and elite/commander after day 1.

Team 1: Grey Knight
Name Unit type Alt. Weapon Ability
Redacted Gunner  Psycannon Heavy
Redacted Gunner  Psycannon
Redacted Gunner  Incenerator
Redacted Justicar
Redacted Justicar
Redacted Grey Knight
Redacted Grey Knight Halberd
Redacted Grey Knight Glaive pair

Team 2: Ork

Name Unit type Alt. Weapon Ability
Boz  Boss Nob Kombi Skrocha Leader
Wagog Boss Nob Combat PK PK Combat
Inyurzog Kommando Boss PK Leader
Dak Loota Heavy
Urk  Boy Gunner  Big Shoota Veteran
Gazog Boy Gunner  Big Shoota
Glurg Boy Gunner  Big Shoota
Frof Boy Burna Zealot
BBQ  Boy Burna
Bloz Boy Burna
Blurg Boy Shoota
Blarg Boy Shoota
Blorg Boy Shoota
Pof Boy Slugga/ Shoota
Paf Boy Slugga/ Shoota
Sinika Kommando Slugga/ Chappa
Fux Kommando Scout
Mod Kommando
Bog Kommando
Mog Kommando
Nog Kommando
Nip Gretchin
Nap Gretchin

Team 3: Necron
Name Unit type Alt. Weapon Ability
Lor Immortal TC Veteran
Pak Immortal Comms
Sadi Immortal Leader
X Warrior
Y Warrior Veteran
T Warrior Comms
Ban Immortal Leader
F1 Flay One Zealot
F2 Flay One Leader
F3 Flay One Combat
F4 Flay One
F5 Flay One
V Warrior Leader
U Warrior Comms
Dari Deathwark Sniper

Team 4: Space Marines
Name Unit type Alt. Weapon Ability
Ax Sergeant Power Sword/ Plasma Pistol Leader
Vlad Sergeant  Power Glove/ Plasma Pistol Leader
Bash Tactical Marine Demolition
Cyrik Tactical Marine Comms
Tank Tactical Marine Comms
Leggy Tactical Marine
Beowulf Tactical Marine
Vizion Intercessor Gunner Stalker / Grenade Launcher
Edgar Intercessor Gunner AutoBolt/ Grenade Launcher Comms
Charle'Z Devastator Flamer
Hans Devastator Plasma Demolition
Pimpy Devastator Heavy Bolter
Eagle Eye Scout Marksman
Scope Scout Marksman


  1. Houlààà... Visiblement, tu as passé des jours entiers à réfléchir aux noms de tes mecs XD

    J'ai hâte de voir ce que tu vas faire de tout ça ^^


    1. je suis space marine, les autres joueurs ont leurs propres armées. Rapport de battaille bientôt en ligne sur la première bataille de la journée.^^
