Monday, August 19, 2019

Mid-year update: Kill Team

With almost 5 month without blogging, I feel guilty.

I have been playing a lot lately, thanks to a group of friends that is active in both RPG and wargaming. 

RPG-wise, we are now running alternate GM on Agone, Star Wars (Edge of Empire) and Vampire. 
Wargaming wise, we concentrated on Kill team. Small scale, playable on a Majhong table (widely available in Hong Kong), the game allows to re-use our W40k armies.
When it comes to boardgames the kids are now old enough to play games like Cluedo and Small World, in addition to the popular Uno and Life.

I am copying some of the Kill Team games we had, and I will later make a post about the special team I am building for an incoming campaign.

Scenario Assassination. A group of GK are trying to kill a Space Marines Sergeant. Terrain from Necromunda 1st edition.

The GK are trying to get to the Sergeant for an obscure joke: A GK called Tit has a newborn baby, how does he call it? Anus, because Tit-Anus.
GK have no humor.
The Space Marines are guarding the approach

Approaching GK. 
GK are avoiding the shots from the sentries

 The GK finally reached the sergeant with a psy power and killed him. Victory for the GK.

More to come with battlesystem terrain. Some example how BattleSystems is versatile.

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