The first season of ATZ-FFO '44 finished last December with Episode 10.
10 episodes! That's less than what I planned, as I wanted to play 12 games, but that's more than I realistically expected.
Let's review the first 10 episodes:
Episode 1: First Bat Rep (French - Civilians)
Episode 2: They Shall Not Pass (German - Heer)
Episode 3: Murphy Law From The Graves (Allies - Army)
Episode 4: The Resistance Gathering (French - Civilians)
Episode 5: Are They Here To Save Us (German - Heer)
Episode 6: Saving Private Dark Angel (Allies - Army)
Episode 7: The Outpost (Allies - Army)
Episode 8: A Plane To Catch (Allies - Army)
Episode 9: Going Home (German - Heer)
Episode 10: I am Von Evil (German - SWD)
From the original characters, the surviving are:
Lieutnant Muller (Allies)
Sergeant Johnson (Allies)
Scott (Allies)
Jean Courage (French)
All Germans (out of 7) and other Allies (6 out of 9) died during the encounters. This was a bloody season 1.
Join ATZ-FFO they said... Why did I listen to my mum... I should have chosen Call of Duty |
The new season is about to begin. I plan to have 2 major segments with interlude using either the French or the German deserters back stories.
The major stories will be about the Allies behind the enemy lines to discover and maybe stop what is happening nearby the village of Wolfenstein. The second segment will likely be about Von Evil, because I really want to know if he'll be killed by one of his own creation.
The competition!
Now that we have the name, let's communicate it to Montiboy HK |
And lastly, I will open my first competition: Name the ATZ-FFO '44 Serie and win a special miniature. I realized last year that I was missing a good name for it.
Rules will be easy to follow. To participate, I will open for 3 weeks a post for people to drop a name (one name per participant). All names will be eligible, as long as they are within the ethic charts (no racial discrimination for instance), but to be able to get the gift, each participant should be following the blog and post the competition on his blog. The gift will be a miniature of mine, likely a choice among some of my OOP (unpainted) collection, and free of charge of international mailing.